Meet Me In Venice

Meet Me In Venice by Barbara Hannay, romance fiction set in Italy

* Meet Me In Venice, by Barbara Hannay. Published by Michael Joseph / Penguin Books, RRP $32.99.

A year after the death of her Italian-born husband, Leo, Daisy invites her three adult children to join her for a holiday in Venice, Leo’s birthplace.

All three have something fairly dramatic going on in their lives. Marc’s marriage is in trouble but he convinces his wife to join them in Venice for the sake of appearances. Anna is not having much success with her acting career in London and Ellie is uncertain about a few of her choices, as 18-year-olds often are.

But those are not the only things throwing a challenge to this sentimental journey – there is also the question of something from Leo’s past that Daisy unexpectedly discovers.

Author Barbara Hannay lives in Far North Queensland and has written 40+ books. Most are set in rural and outback Australia, but this one takes place against a backdrop of Venice with its narrow winding streets and canals, and the occasional meal or aperitivo in a charming local trattoria.

We’re not giving anything more away but let’s just say that Meet Me In Venice is a warm and heartfelt story that gets you in and rolls along nicely.

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